
You can develop Microservices on your native Linux machine quickly by following the workflow in this section. This workflow takes advantage of RPM or Debian packages, which are available in our redpesk repositories.

Using this workflow, you can start to code, execute, and debug Microservice bindings directly on your host. This flow works for many cases for which no specific hardware is required, or when you can plug hardware directly into your native Linux host’s USB port such as a Controller Area Network (CAN) bus Adapter or a Media Oriented Systems Transport (MOST) Controller.

The following list provides an overview of the Microservice Native Development process. You can learn about the steps in the process by reading through the remaining sections.

  1. Setup your build host Make sure you have a native Linux host. For the example used in this section (i.e. helloworld-binding), be sure your Linux distribution is a recent version of Debian, Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, or Fedora. Download and install the near-zero packages from the repositories. Install the Binder Daemon, which is a part of the Application Framework. The daemon allows you to connect applications to required services.

  2. Get Your Source Files: For this section, clone the helloworld-binding repository. You also need to make sure you have some other required packages to build that specific binding.

  3. Build and Run Your Service Natively (Optional Tool Use): Build your binding on your Linux host using native tools. Once the binding is built, you can run it to make sure it functions as expected.

    Optionally use extra tools once your binding is building and running smoothly in the native environment.