afb-client - Simple client for connecting with afb-binder.
afb-client [<options>...] SOCKSPEC [api verb data] afb-client [<options>...] -d SOCKSPEC [verb data]
The program afb-client is usefull for communicating with APIs offered by an instance afb-binder process. The current version is able to communicate on WS/HTTP, WSS/HTTPS or WSAPI interfaces exposed by afb-binder.
Connection to WS/HTTP interface
Without the option -d (or --direct), afb-client connects to a WS/HTTP interface named after SOCKSPEC. Generally when HTPP URI of the binder is http://host:port, the WS/HTTP SOCKSPEC is http://host:port/api.
When connecting to this interface, the
Connection to WSAPI interface
With the option -d (or --direct), afb-client connects to a WSAPI interface named after SOCKSPEC. Example of such SOCKSPEC are:
The name direct means that the API is directly accessed and then the API name must not be set but is implicit.
-b, --break
Break connection just after the last event/call has been emitted. This option can be used for stressing the binder or when answer is irrevelant.
-d, --direct
Direct API connection to WSAPI interface.
-e, --echo
Echo inputs. Use this in batch for interleaving inputs and outputs.
-h, --help
Display this help and exits.
-H, --human
Display human readable JSON, spreading components on different lines. This is the opposite of option --raw.
-k, --keep-running
Keep running until disconnect, even if input closed.
-p, --pipe COUNT
Allow to pipe COUNT requests without waiting for answers. That means that a maximum of COUNT requests are pending without reply.
-q, --quiet
Dont show informative lines beginning with ON-. Usefule for piping output to programs.
-r, --raw
Raw output (default). This prints one line per reply or event without making JSON readable. This is the opposite of option --human.
-s, --sync
Wait for the answer before sending the next query (like -p 1).
-t, --token TOKEN
The token to use.
-u, --uuid UUID
The identifier of session to use. This allow to recover a previously opened session.
-v, --version
Print the version and exits.
-w, --ws-maxlen VALUE
Set the maximum length of websocket payloads to the given value. By default, the maximum length is 1000000 (one million) bytes. This option can be used either to increase or decrese that limit.
Connection to the binder and SOCKSPEC
The format of the specification SOCKSPEC is:
for TCP: tcp:host:port/api
for unix: unix:path/api
for abstract unix: unix:@name/api or unix:@api
afb-binder(1), afb-binding(7)
José Bollo <>
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