Document for memo, to be reordered
signing the content and signed content
The tool afm-signed-digest allows to:
- make a signature (author or distributor)
- check a signature
- check all the signature and report allowed domains
The tool afm-check-signature reads a signature file and if validated by a trusted certificates, prints the allowed domains.
computing digest
The program afm-digest is similar to the program shasum. It is used to create the digest that is signed by other processes.
The content must be signed using a PKCS7 file.
Given the list of content in a file: CONTENT.LIST
The following command produces the finger print hash of that content: CONTENT.HASH
LANG= sort | xargs -n1 sha256sum --tag
The content hash can be checked using the command:
sha256sum --check --status CONTENT.HASH
An authority can sign the hash using the PKCS.7 tools provoded by gnutls or openssl.
certtool --infile CONTENT.HASH \
--outfile CONTENT.SIGN.p7 \
--p7-sign \
--p7-time \
--load-certificate certs/end.pem \
--load-privkey keys/end.key.pem
The signed content can be shown as below
|certtool --p7-info --p7-show-data --infile CONTENT.SIGN.p7
It can be verified as below
certtool --p7-info --p7-show-data --infile CONTENT.SIGN.p7 |
sha256sum --check --status
Coming from the widget digsig specifications, the mechanism to sign the content is performed by the author and optionnaly by distributors.
The content of the signatures differs:
the author signs the content files
distributors sign the content files and the author signature
Name of author signature: author-signature.p7
Name of distributor signatures: signatureN.p7 (N is a number not led with zero)
The above method has the drawback that it does not allow to package neither empty directories nor symbolic links.
The previous way of managing file properties (execution flag) was to let the installer putting it accordingly to the configuration. The new behaviour must be checked for seeing if some attributes have to be signed.
Also, accordingly to RPM framework, the list of installed file could be deduced from RPM itself.
To address the specific issues, the simplest way is to allow addition of files describing extra features. This files are then signed.
Author signature:
certtool --p7-sign \
--p7-time \
--p7-include-cert \
--load-certificate AUTHOR-CERTIFICATE.pem \
--load-privkey AUTHOR-PRIVATE-KEY.pem |
cat > author-signature.p7
Author check:
cat author-signature.p7 |
certtool --p7-info --p7-show-data |
sha256sum --check --status CONTENT.HASH
Distributor N signature:
sha256sum CONTENT.HASH author-signature.p7 |
certtool --p7-sign \
--p7-time \
--p7-include-cert \
--load-certificate DISTRIBUTOR-CERTIFICATE.pem \
--load-privkey DISTRIBUTOR-PRIVATE-KEY.pem |
cat > signatureN.p7
Distributor N check:
sha256sum CONTENT.HASH author-signature.p7 |
cat signatureN.p7 |
certtool --p7-info --p7-show-data |
sha256sum --check --status DISTRIBUTOR.HASH &&
sha256sum --check --status CONTENT.HASH
Before checking the content, the signatures have to be validated against a chain of trust. To achieve this the following command have to be used:
cat SIGNATURE.p7 |
certtool --p7-verify --load-ca-certificate ROOT-CERTIFICATE.pem
Or merely, if the trusted root is installed in the platform.
certtool --p7-verify < SIGNATURE.p7
The issue here is that the chain of trust must be fully available to be validated. The simplest way of doing it is to include in the PEM certificate used for signing that chain of trust. Otherwise, the intermediate CA have to be provisioned.
Once chain of trust and content validated, the question of knowing what kind of permission is granted must be answered.
possible options:
- don’t include signed content in the PKCS7 file
- include signed content in the file