Binding v3 to v4
Author: **: Valentin Lefebvre **date: 2022, june 8th
This documentations will touch on change to proceed for upgrade a binding written in V3 to a binding written V4.
To see a former document about v4 migration which compares all afb_*
functions between v3 and v4 bindings, please follow this link.
1. Entry point 2. verbs 3. config file 4. plugins 5. afb functions
1. Entry point
a) structure definition
/** * @brief Structure of the binding */ const struct afb_binding_v3 afbBindingV3 = { .api = "ble-binding", .specification = NULL, .info = "Service which manage bluetooth low energy devices.", .verbs = _afb_verbs_ble, // <-- list of verbs .preinit = binding_preinit, // <-- preinit handler .init = binding_init, // <-- init handler .userdata = NULL, .provide_class = NULL, .require_class = NULL, .require_api = NULL, .noconcurrency = 0 };
In V4 you will lose init and preinit section. Instead You will inform about a controller handler which will take care about the init and preinit !
/** * @brief Structure of the binding * */ const struct afb_binding_v4 afbBindingV4 = { .api = "ble-binding", .specification = NULL, .info = "Service which manage bluetooth low energy devices.", .verbs = _afb_verbs_ble, // <-- list of verbs .mainctl = binding_ctl, // <-- main handler .userdata = NULL, .provide_class = NULL, .require_class = NULL, .require_api = NULL, .noconcurrency = 0 };
b) main functions
/** * @brief Binding preinit Callback * * @param api the api that receive the callback */ int binding_preinit(afb_api_t api); /** * @brief Binding init Callback * * @param api the api that receive the callback */ int binding_init(afb_api_t api);
The new main handler will be called multiple time. Each time
will show you in which process you are (Pre init, init, etc…)/** * @brief Binding Callback * * @param api the api that receive the callback * @param ctlid identifier of the reason of the call (@see afb_ctlid) * @param ctlarg data associated to the call * @param userdata the userdata of the api (@see afb_api_get_userdata) */ int binding_ctl(afb_api_t api, afb_ctlid_t ctlid, afb_ctlarg_t ctlarg, void *userdata) { switch(ctlid) { case afb_ctlid_Root_Entry: AFB_API_NOTICE(api, "Unexpected Root Entry at path=%s", ctlarg->root_entry.path); break; case afb_ctlid_Pre_Init: AFB_API_NOTICE(api, "Pre-initialization at path=%s", ctlarg->pre_init.path); if (_preinit_binding(api, ctlarg->pre_init.config) < 0 ){ AFB_API_ERROR(api, "Failed during pre-initialization"); return -1; } afb_api_seal(api); AFB_API_NOTICE(api, "Preinitialization finished"); break; case afb_ctlid_Init: AFB_API_NOTICE(api, "Initialization"); if ( _init_binding(api) < 0) { AFB_API_ERROR(api, "Failed during Initialization"); return -1; } AFB_API_NOTICE(api, "Initialization finished"); break; case afb_ctlid_Class_Ready: AFB_API_NOTICE(api, "Required classes are ready"); break; case afb_ctlid_Orphan_Event: AFB_API_NOTICE(api, "The event %s is not handled", ctlarg->; break; case afb_ctlid_Exiting: AFB_API_NOTICE(api, "Shuting down was called wide code = %i", ctlarg->exiting.code); break; default: break; } return 0; }
2. Verbs
a) vers handler
/** * @brief Ping verb Callback * * @param request Client request */ void ping(afb_req_t request); /** * @brief Info verb Callback * * @param request Client request */ void info (afb_req_t request); /** * @brief List of api's verbs * */ static const struct afb_verb_v3 _afb_verbs_ble[] = { { .verb = "ping", .callback = ping, .auth = NULL, .info = "Check if binding running well by ping-pong request", .vcbdata = NULL, .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE, .glob = 0 }, { .verb = "info", .callback = info, .auth = NULL, .info = "Get current ble-binding configuration", .vcbdata = NULL, .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE, .glob = 0 } }
Verbs are now declared with the request folowing by data like a c-standard main
/** * @brief Check if binding running well by ping-pong request * * @param request Client request * @param argc Arguments count * @param argv array of arguments */ void ping(afb_req_t request, unsigned argc, afb_data_t const argv[]); /** * @brief Get current ble-binding configuration * * @param request Client request * @param argc Arguments count * @param argv array of arguments */ void info(afb_req_t request, unsigned argc, afb_data_t const argv[]); /** * @brief List of api's verbs * */ static const struct afb_verb_v4 _afb_verbs_ble[] = { { .verb = "ping", .callback = ping, .auth = NULL, .info = "Check if binding running well by ping-pong request", .vcbdata = NULL, .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE, .glob = 0 }, { .verb = "info", .callback = info, .auth = NULL, .info = "Get current ble-binding configuration", .vcbdata = NULL, .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE, .glob = 0 } };
b) Get arguments
In V3 argument can be found directly in JSON in the request structure:
// get arguments json_object *argsJ = afb_req_json(request); // Parse arguments from argJ ...
In V4 you will get verbs arguments at function arguments. In afb_data_t type. You can then convert in JSON in case of arguments staying in JSON format.
// Get data afb_data_t arg_data; if (afb_req_param_convert(request, 0, AFB_PREDEFINED_TYPE_JSON_C, &arg_data) < 0) { afb_req_reply(request, AFB_ERRNO_INVALID_REQUEST, 0, NULL); return; } // Convert data in JSON args_json = (json_object *) afb_data_ro_pointer(arg_data); if (!args_json) { afb_req_reply(request, AFB_ERRNO_INVALID_REQUEST, 0, NULL); return; } // Parse arguments from args_json ...
c) push response
// Example with json afb_req_success(req, responseJ, NULL); // Example for string: afb_req_success(req,NULL,"response is in string!");
In this new version, you should create an afb_data_t
// Exemple with info verb for JSON: afb_create_data_raw(&reply, AFB_PREDEFINED_TYPE_JSON_C, binding_data.info_json, 0, NULL, NULL); afb_req_reply(request, STATUS_SUCCESS, 1, &reply); // Example with error message for string: afb_create_data_raw(&reply, AFB_PREDEFINED_TYPE_STRINGZ, errorMsg, sizeof(errorMsg)+1, NULL, NULL); afb_req_reply(request, STATUS_ERROR, 1, &reply);
3. configuration file
In this version, json configuration file would be get via lib controller with a specific path and a specific middle-name…
With this new version, config file will be give in the command line afb-binding
afb-binder --binding=${BINDING_PATH}/lib/${BINDING_PLUGIN_PATH}/plugin/ciss-bosh-ble-plugin.json
Then you will be able to get, in source code, the config in binding_ctl() function at pre-init process, like this:
int binding_ctl(afb_api_t api, afb_ctlid_t ctlid, afb_ctlarg_t ctlarg, void *userdata) { switch(ctlid) { // ... case afb_ctlid_Pre_Init: AFB_API_NOTICE(api, "Pre-initialization at path=%s", ctlarg->pre_init.path); if (_preinit_binding(api, ctlarg->pre_init.config) < 0 ){ // <-- pre init the binding with the JSON config AFB_API_ERROR(api, "Failed during pre-initialization"); return -1; } afb_api_seal(api); AFB_API_NOTICE(api, "Preinitialization finished"); break; // ... }
4. plugins
—V3— Plugins was deals with lib controllers
Now plugins should be deals with new functions of libhelpers. Sources can be found at afb-libhelpers repo in afb-plugin-helpers.c
Here is an example of how to load a plugin thanks a config JSON file. We will load the plugin and call one of this public function catch_data()
- config file JSON
{ "metadata": { "uid": "afb-ble-binding", "version": "1.0.0", "api": "ble-binding", "info": "Config sample for Bluetooth Low Energy binding" }, "plugins": { "uid": "ciss-bosh-ble-sensor-plugin", "info": "A plugin to catch Ciss bosh ble sensor", "libs": "" }, "sensors": [ { "handler": "ciss-bosh-ble-sensor-plugin#catch_data" } ] }
source code - Should be at preinit process !
#include <afb-libhelpers/afb-plugin-helpers.h> // Get info from config char *uid = NULL; char *libs = NULL; ret = wrap_json_unpack(plugins_json, "{ss ss}" , "uid", &uid, "libs", &libs); // Load the shared library plugins_store *pstore; plugin_load(afbBindingRoot, uid, libs, &pstore); // Get the callback pointer of the plugin char function_name[] = "catch_data"; void *callback = plugin_get_cb(afbBindingRoot, pstore, function_name); // Call the callback ret = callback();
5. afb functions
a) timers
—V3— In V3 timers event can be used with function TimerEvtStart and TimerEvtStop
—V4— Both these function don’t exist anymore : use afb_timer_create instead : doc.