Types and globals

The global afbBindingRoot

The global afbBindingRoot of type afb_api_t is always implicitly defined for bindings of version 3 or upper. It records the root api of the binding.

When the binding has a defined afbBindingExport, the root api afbBindingRoot is the afb_pi_t relative to the api created for this static description.

When the binding has no defined afbBindingExport, the root api is a virtual api representing the shared object of the binding. In that case the name of the api is the path of the shared object. Its use is restricted but allows log messages.

The global afbBindingExport

The global afbBindingExport is not mandatory.

If afbBindingExport is defined and exported, it must be of the type const afb_binding_t and must describe the root api of the binding.

The type afb_api_t

Bindings now can declare more than one api. The counter part is that a new handle is needed to manage apis. These handles are of the type afb_api_t.

The type afb_binding_t

The main structure, of type afb_binding_t, for describing the binding must be exported under the name afbBindingExport.

This structure is defined as below.

typedef struct afb_binding_v4 afb_binding_t;


 * Description of the bindings of type version 4
struct afb_binding_v4
	/** api name for the binding, can't be NULL */
	const char *api;

	/** textual specification of the binding, can be NULL */
	const char *specification;

	/** some info about the api, can be NULL */
	const char *info;

	/** array of descriptions of verbs terminated by a NULL name, can be NULL */
	const struct afb_verb_v4 *verbs;

	/** callback at load of the binding */
	afb_api_callback_x4_t mainctl;

	/** userdata for afb_api_ */
	void *userdata;

	/** space separated list of provided class(es) */
	const char *provide_class;

	/** space separated list of required class(es) */
	const char *require_class;

	/** space separated list of required API(es) */
	const char *require_api;

	/** avoids concurrent requests to verbs */
	unsigned noconcurrency: 1;

The type afb_verb_t

Each verb is described with a structure of type afb_verb_t defined below:

typedef struct afb_verb_v4 afb_verb_t;
 * Description of one verb as provided for binding API version 4
struct afb_verb_v4
	/** name of the verb, NULL only at end of the array */
	const char *verb;

	/** callback function implementing the verb */
	afb_req_callback_x4_t callback;

	/** required authorization, can be NULL */
	const struct afb_auth *auth;

	/** some info about the verb, can be NULL */
	const char *info;

	/** data for the verb callback */
	void *vcbdata;

	/** authorization and session requirements of the verb */
	uint16_t session;

	/** is the verb glob name */
	uint16_t glob: 1;

The session flags is one of the constant defined below:

Name Description
AFB_SESSION_NONE no flag, synonym to 0
AFB_SESSION_LOA_0 Requires the LOA to be 0 or more, synonym to 0 or AFB_SESSION_NONE
AFB_SESSION_LOA_1 Requires the LOA to be 1 or more
AFB_SESSION_LOA_2 Requires the LOA to be 2 or more
AFB_SESSION_LOA_3 Requires the LOA to be 3 or more
AFB_SESSION_CHECK Requires the token to be set and valid
AFB_SESSION_CLOSE Implies closing the session after request processed

The LOA (Level Of Assurance) is set, by binding api, using the function afb_req_session_set_LOA. It can be check using the function afb_req_session_get_LOA.

The session can be closed, by binding api, using the function afb_req_session_close.

The types afb_auth_t and afb_auth_type_t

The structure afb_auth_t is used within verb description to set security requirements. The interpretation of the structure depends on the value of the field type.

typedef struct afb_auth afb_auth_t;

 * Definition of an authorization entry
struct afb_auth
	/** type of entry @see afb_auth_type */
	enum afb_auth_type type;

	union {
		/** text when @ref type == @ref afb_auth_Permission */
		const char *text;

		/** level of assurancy when @ref type ==  @ref afb_auth_LOA */
		unsigned loa;

		/** first child when @ref type in { @ref afb_auth_Or, @ref afb_auth_And, @ref afb_auth_Not } */
		const struct afb_auth *first;

	/** second child when @ref type in { @ref afb_auth_Or, @ref afb_auth_And } */
	const struct afb_auth *next;

The possible values for type is defined here:

typedef enum afb_auth_type afb_auth_type_t;

 * Enumeration  for authority (Session/Token/Assurance) definitions.
 * @see afb_auth
enum afb_auth_type
	/** never authorized, no data */
	afb_auth_No = 0,

	/** authorized if token valid, no data */

	/** authorized if LOA greater than or equal to data 'loa' */

	/** authorized if permission 'text' is granted */

	/** authorized if 'first' or 'next' is authorized */

	/** authorized if 'first' and 'next' are authorized */

	/** authorized if 'first' is not authorized */

	/** always authorized, no data */


static const afb_auth_t myauth[] = {
    { .type = afb_auth_Permission, .text = "urn:AGL:permission:me:public:set" },
    { .type = afb_auth_Permission, .text = "urn:AGL:permission:me:public:get" },
    { .type = afb_auth_Or, .first = &myauth[1], .next = &myauth[0] }

The type afb_req_subcall_flags_t

This is an enumeration that defines bit’s positions for setting behaviour of subcalls.

flag value description
afb_req_subcall_catch_events 1 the calling API wants to receive the events from subscription
afb_req_subcall_pass_events 2 the original request will receive the events from subscription
afb_req_subcall_on_behalf 4 the calling API wants to use the credentials of the original request
afb_req_subcall_api_session 8 the calling API wants to use its session instead of the one of the original request

The type afb_ctlid_t

The enumeration afb_ctlid_t is used in control functions of APIs to identify control message received.

It’s defined as:

typedef enum afb_ctlid afb_ctlid_t;

enum afb_ctlid
	/** called on root entries, the entries not linked to an API */
	afb_ctlid_Root_Entry = 0,

	/** called for the preinit of an API, has a companion argument */
	afb_ctlid_Pre_Init = 1,

	/** called for init */
	afb_ctlid_Init = 2,

	/** called when required classes are ready */
	afb_ctlid_Class_Ready = 3,

	/** called when an event is not handled */
	afb_ctlid_Orphan_Event = 4,

	/** called when shuting down */
	afb_ctlid_Exiting = 5

The type afb_ctlarg_t

The union afb_ctlarg_t wrap the argument of the control message. Its real value depends on a value of type afb_ctlid_t. That type is used in API’s control functions.

typedef const union afb_ctlarg *afb_ctlarg_t;

union afb_ctlarg
	 * structure for message afb_ctlid_Root_Entry
	struct {
		/** path of the binding */
		const char *path;
	} root_entry;

	 * structure for message afb_ctlid_Pre_Init
	struct {
		/** path of the binding */
		const char *path;
	} pre_init;

	 * structure for message afb_ctlid_Orphan_Event
	struct {
		/** name of the of the orphan event */
		const char *name;
	} orphan_event;

	 * structure for message afb_ctlid_Exiting
	struct {
		/** exiting code */
		int code;
	} exiting;

The type afb_api_callback_t

 * Main api callback function.
 * @param api       the api that receive the callback
 * @param ctlid     identifier of the reason of the call (@see afb_ctlid)
 * @param ctlarg    data associated to the call
 * @param userdata  the userdata of the api (@see afb_api_get_userdata)
 * @return a value that must be negative if an error occured. The
 *         return value is important when ctlid relates to an initialisation
 *         step, i.e. when it has one of the following predefined values:
 *         afb_ctlid_Root_Entry, afb_ctlid_Pre_Init, afb_ctlid_Init.
typedef int (*afb_api_callback_t)(
		afb_api_t api,
		afb_ctlid_t ctlid,
		afb_ctlarg_t ctlarg,
		void *userdata);

The type afb_req_callback_t

 * Request handling callback used for verbs.
 * @param req      the request to process
 * @param nparams  the count of parameter data of the request
 * @param params   the array of parameter data of the request
typedef void (*afb_req_callback_t)(
		afb_req_t req,
		unsigned nparams,
		afb_data_t const params[]);

The type afb_call_callback_t

 * Callback for receiving asynchronous results of a call.
 * @param closure  the closure value given at call
 * @param status   the status of the call, negative on error
 * @param nreplies the count of replied data
 * @param replies  the array of replied data
 * @param api      the api that made the call
typedef void (*afb_call_callback_t)(
		void *closure,
		int status,
		unsigned nreplies,
		afb_data_t const replies[],
		afb_api_t api);

The type afb_subcall_callback_t

 * Callback for receiving asynchronous results of a subcall.
 * @param closure  the closure value given at subcall
 * @param status   the status of the subcall, negative on error
 * @param nreplies the count of replied data
 * @param replies  the array of replied data
 * @param req      the req that made the subcall
typedef void (*afb_subcall_callback_t)(
		void *closure,
		int status,
		unsigned nreplies,
		afb_data_t const replies[],
		afb_req_t req);

The type afb_check_callback_t

 * Callback for receiving result of checking of permissions.
 * @param closure  the closure value given at check
 * @param status   the status of the check, negative when rejected
 * @param req      the req that made the check
typedef void (*afb_check_callback_t)(
		void *closure,
		int status,
		afb_req_t req);

The type afb_event_handler_t

 * Callback for handling events.
 * @param closure  the closure value given at creation of the handler
 * @param event_name name of the event
 * @param nparams  the count of parameter data of the event
 * @param params   the array of parameter data of the event
 * @param api      the api that holds the handler
typedef void (*afb_event_handler_t)(
		void *closure,
		const char *event_name,
		unsigned nparams,
		afb_data_t const params[],
		afb_api_t api);

The type afb_type_converter_t

 * The type afb_type_converter_t denote a conversion callback.
 * A conversion callback receives 4 parameters:
 * @param closure   A closure defined when converter is declared
 * @param from      The data to convert
 * @param type      The type to convert to
 * @param to        Where to store the result of the conversion
 * @return It should return an integer status of 0 in case of success
 *         or a negative value indicating the error.
typedef int (*afb_type_converter_t)(
		void *closure,
		afb_data_t from,
		afb_type_t type,
		afb_data_t *to);

The type afb_type_updater_t

 * The type afb_type_updater_t denote a conversion callback that is able
 * to update the target instead of creating it.
 * A conversion callback receives 4 parameters:
 * @param  closure   A closure defined when converter is declared
 * @param  from      The data of reference
 * @param  type      The type of the data to update
 * @param  to        the existing data to update from the given reference
 * @return It should return an integer status of 0 in case of success
 *         or a negative value indicating the error.
typedef int (*afb_type_updater_t)(
		void *closure,
		afb_data_t from,
		afb_type_t type,
		afb_data_t to);

The type afb_evfd_handler_t

 * Callbacks of file event handlers
 * These callbacks are called when an event occurs on the handled
 * file descriptor.
 * @param efd the file event handler object
 * @param fd the file descriptor index
 * @param revents the received events
 * @param closure the closure given at creation
typedef void (*afb_evfd_handler_t)(
		afb_evfd_t efd,
		int fd,
		uint32_t revents,
		void *closure);

The type afb_timer_handler_t

 * Callbacks of timers
 * These callbacks are called when a programmed time even occurs.
 * @param timer the timer object
 * @param closure the closure given at creation
 * @param decount reverse index of the event: zero for infinite timer
 *                or a decreasing value finishing with 1
typedef void (*afb_timer_handler_t)(
		afb_timer_t timer,
		void *closure,
		int decount);