Binder Devtool

The Binder devtool provides a graphical environment automatically populated to test the apis and verbs available on your binding.

Demo Binder Devtool

Native installation

First setup your host, declare redpesk native packages repository refer to the add repository section

Then install the afb-ui-devtools package.

for Fedora

sudo dnf install afb-ui-devtools

for Debian

sudo apt-get install afb-ui-devtools

for Ubuntu

sudo apt install afb-ui-devtools

for OpenSUSE

sudo zypper install afb-ui-devtools

Access Binder Devtool

Once a binding is running, to launch the Binder Devtool UI enter [host]:[port]/devtools/ in your browser address bar.

For example: go on localhost:30001/devtools/ to see UI Devtool of the helloworld binding running on localhost, on port 30001. NOTE: Be sure your binding is running first and the port is correct. NOTE: On Qemu, port forwarding could be used to access the webui devtool inside the qemu. See [Qemu section]/docs/en/master/redpesk-os/boards/docs/boards/qemu.html for details.

Binder WS Active / Disconnected At the top of the UI, a green Binder WS Active button means that a binding is currently running on your environment and is accessible for testing and monitoring. In case of disconnection, the button turns to red and the verbs disappear. The UI will automatically attempt to reconnect itself.

Debug/Monitoring When binding runs on monitoring mode, this will open a new tab to the debug/monitoring interface.

Apis and verbs

General Provides a selection of verbs sorted by groups with additional information such as status, actions and samples. See Info verb usage Advanced Displays all verbs available by api accessible by the running binding. Advanced is the default mode if General is not available.

Demo Binder Devtool

Testing a verb

Click on a verb to show its testing form. On General mode, clicking on some samples or actions, if provided, will directly pre-fill the query input with parameters. It is possible to modify the query before clicking on send. Sending an empty query is possible, however queries have to be formatted in json with “”.


Questions Displays the list of calls sent to apis. Responses Displays the apis responses to the requests above. Events Displays data sent by the apis from events subscribed to.

Note: these three boxes are clearable by clicking on the bin icon on their top-left corner.

Info verb usage

Verbs displayed in General mode are based on the running apis info verbs. Info verbs are structured as such:

 "metadata": {
      "uid": "helloworld", // string => api name
      "info": "A simple Helloworld binding", // string => api description/info
      "status": {"online": true}, // object where to store additional infos such as uri, online, ...
      "version": "1.0"
    "groups": [ // array of objects => list of groups
        "uid":  "general", // string => group name
        "info": "verbs related to general tests on this binding",// string => group description/info
        "status": {"slaveid": 1}, // object where to store additional infos such as uri, online, ...
        "verbs": [ // array of objects => list of verbs belonging to this group
            "uid": "ping", // string => verb name
            "info": "sends ping", // string => verb description
            "verb": "ping", // string => raw verb to be sent to the API
            "usage": { // object => query format will appear as a placeholder in the textarea to enter query
                "action": ["get","subscribe","unsubscribe"], // array of strings => list of actions such as Subscribe, Get, ...
                "data":{"data":"parameter"}, // object => hints on other parameter to add to the query can also be verbose, arg...
            "sample":  [ // array of objects => list of samples