Teams and Roles
Role Management
One of the objectives of redpesk CI is to make the continuous integration of your project easier and quicker. For that, you will need to understand the concepts of members and teams in the redpesk CI context.
The first is that when a project is created, the project has one to many members. Those members can be either a user or a group of users. If you are the creator of the project, you will have automatically the role of manager in the project, in this case you will be able to invite other members to your project.
Just simply go to the members tab inside your project and you will see the list of all project members.
If you want to invite more members to your project, go to the + MEMBER
button, and you will see the list of possible people you can invite.
Note: In the case you invite a team, all the users inside the team will be invited.
The invited users will automatically see your project, and will have access to all the project information. Depending on the role, the invited user will have the ability to perform certain actions concerning the build and test of applications inside the project.
At the moment, there are 3 types of roles you can assign to.
- manager: member who is able to invite other users to his project. He has mostly the configuration of user’s roles in his team. He has access to different reporting tools, which help him have an oversight on the developer’s work (package building, testing and deployment)
- developer: member who can be in charge of the build, test, and deployment of the applications.
- tester: member who can be in charge of the build, test, and deployment of the applications.
A member must have at least one role, and can have up to 3 roles.
In the case that you didn’t mean to invite a user, or you want to revoke the access, you can easily delete the member from the project (trash symbol next the user’s name), so he won’t be part of the project anymore.
Or if you are a manager and you decide to update a user’s role, you can do it with the pencil symbol next to the user’s name.
Team Management
To be part of a team, you can be invited by a team owner or another member of the team.
When inviting a new member to your team, it is important to make the difference between teams and users. In the case you invite a team, all the users inside the team will be invited. If you invite only the user, this user will be the only who will receive an invitation.
In this view, the first tab My teams
will show you the list of the teams you have created and the teams you are part of. In the second tab, you will see all the public teams.
To add a new team, go to the button + TEAM
in the upper right corner of the teams view. Fill the form, and choose the visibility.
Teams can be public or private. Public teams can be viewed by every other team or user logged in the redpesk CI. Private teams are only visible to the people on the team.
Once you have created or joined a team. You will be able to invite other available users or public teams. To do it, click on the button invite
next to the user’s name. This can take a few seconds. Invitations are received by email so the user can accept or decline the invitation.
Note: In the case you invite a team inside a team, all the users inside the team will be invited.
If you go to the team details, you will see the status of the invitation which can be accepted or pending. Plus, if you are the team owner, you will be able to update all the team information.