Image releasing


Images release allows you to share images with specific users or teams within the factory. This release will contain all the image applications, all architectures, and for the moment, only one distribution per release.


To release an image you need at least one built application. In order to make the release follow these steps:

  • Go on “Images” tab
  • Click on the image you want to release
  • Go on under “ACTIONS” tab
  • Expand “Release image” (at the bottom)
  • Choose a release version (e.g. 1.0)
  • Click on the “RELEASE IMAGE” button

Once the image is released you need to choose the audience (the users or teams you will share it with). You can also choose Release to all people using this factory.

  • Go on “Images” tab
  • Choose the released image you want to share
  • Go to the “AUDIENCE” tabs
  • Select one or multiples users/teams at the left
  • Click the » (move-to-the-right) button to select them
  • Click on “UPDATE AUDIENCE”

Finally, in order to use the released image outside the WebUI you need the token that was created during the release. The Repository URL and Repository access token are found in the release Overview (Images > RELEASED IMAGES > selected image). With them you will be able to use the download server that turns within the factory.


It is also possible to release an image from redpesk command line, alias rp-cli. In order to do that you have to specify the slug of the image you want to release, the distribution targeted by the release, and the release version. Additionally, you can specify a name for the “released image” that will be created.

The other flags are here if you want to set-up a specific audience for the released image:

  • One or several user(s): flag --user
  • One or several team(s): flag --team
  • All users of the factory: flag --all-users

In order to get the slug of your image, you can use the rp-cli images list as below.

$ rp-cli images list
ID                                       Slug                                Name                                Architecture    Type                Disabled
a3d51574-35d7-4019-b677-b0fbc13effb2     intel-upboard                       Intel-Upboard                       x86_64          iotbzh (external)   false
4e3c8997-affb-4768-ad6d-b213ff0356f0     redpesk-generic                     Redpesk-generic                     x86_64          standard            false
b4a97e36-7b8d-42f6-83c4-55ad24324f46     redpesk-minimal-arz-aarch-64-smack  Redpesk-Minimal-Arz-aarch_64-Smack  aarch64         iotbzh (external)   false
09ce0d28-00a8-4d07-9ac0-95c37c9e5bed     redpesk-minimal-arz-x86-64-smack    Redpesk-Minimal-Arz-x86_64-Smack    x86_64          iotbzh (external)   false
21bf5665-c773-4e84-8d74-bb1460323547     renesas-gen3                        Renesas-Gen3                        aarch64         iotbzh (external)   false
1205a8f4-1e7a-45f5-b581-80b7fabbc1cc     rpi3-rpi4                           Rpi3-Rpi4                           aarch64         iotbzh (external)   false
4477ebf9-5911-4bf9-bd7b-0204abc10f9b     solidrun-solidsense                 SolidRun-SolidSense                 aarch64         iotbzh (external)   false

In order to save time do not forget that rp-cli has a completion system, for example once you wrote the --distribution flag you can press TAB and rp-cli will give you the available distributions! It is the same for users or teams.

Then, run the following command (adapt the distribution, the version and eventually the audience flags to your needs):

$ rp-cli images release redpesk-generic --distribution redpesk-lts-arz-1.1 -v 1.5
-- Image release requested by user --
Checking distribution validity...					[OK]
Requesting the factory to release the image "redpesk-generic"...	[OK]
Waiting for the image "redpesk-generic" to be released...[OK]

After that, you will be able to get the list of released images using:

$ rp-cli images releases list
ID                                       Slug                   Version  Reference
b8d5d383-142a-49ae-b8b6-d0f2ae04dc72     redpesk-generic-1.5    1.5      redpesk-generic

Here below the whole release image process using rp-cli.