This test example is based on a King Pigeon Industrial CANopen IO Module. Cabling example and documentation are available on Device Store / King Pigeon chapter of the redpesk documentation.
This test example presumes that your device is set to bitrate = 20000
and nod id = 2
Set up device
Set up your can connection with the right can channel (usually can0) and a bit rate corresponding to your device setting (in this case 20000).
sudo ip link set can0 type can bitrate 20000
Open your connection :
sudo ip link set up can0
By default on linux, physical can, TX queue length is 10. But lely lib require a minimum TX queue length of 128. you can set it to 1024 to be safe :
sudo ip link set can0 txqueuelen 1024
Start Sample Binder
Be sure to be in the build directory and run :
afb-binder --name=afb-kingpigeonM150-config --port=1234 --binding=src/lib/ --workdir=package --verbose
or if you installed it (from package or with make install)
export CANOPEN_BINDING_DIR=/var/local/lib/afm/applications/canopen-binding
afb-binder \
--name=afb-kingpigeonM150-config \
--port=1234 \
--binding=$CANOPEN_BINDING_DIR/lib/ \
Test with web UI client
install afb-ui-devtools
open binding UI with browser at http://localhost:1234/devtools/index.html
Test with afb-client
install afb-client
run it :
afb-client --human 'ws://localhost:1234/api'
# you can now send requests with the following syntax : <api> <verb> [eventual data in json format]
# here are some available examples for canopen binding :
canopen ping # Answer pong
canopen info # Return information about the binding and available verbs
canopen slave2/DOUT01 {"action":"write", "data":15} # Write 0b1111 on digital output 01 of slave 2
canopen slave2/DIN01 {"action":"read"} # Read digital input 01 state of slave 2
canopen slave2/DIN01 {"action":"subscribe"} # Subscribe to digital 01
for more option use afb-client --help
Running python tests
The systeme used with the Kingpigeon M150 to check if analogs inputs and digitals outputs are handled correctly look like this :
Adding your own config
Json config file is selected from afb-binder --name=afb-midlename-xxx
option. This allows you to switch from one json config to an other without editing any file. middlename
is used to select a specific config. As example --name='afb-kpM15-config'
will select canopen-kpM150-myconfig.json
You may also choose to force your config file by exporting CONTROL_CONFIG_PATH environnement variable. For further information, check AGL controller documentation here
# for exemple :
# └── my-config
# ├── canopen-myconfig-config.json
# └── my-master.dcf
export CONTROL_CONFIG_PATH="$HOME/my-config"
afb-binder --name=afb-myconfig --port=1234 --binding=src/lib/ --verbose