
Spawn-binding implements afb-libcontroller and requires a valid afb-controller-config.json to operate. For testing purpose the simplest way is to define AFB_SPAWN_CONFIG environment variable with a full or relative path to binder rootdir.


  • you should have a valid afb-binder install.
  • you should write or copy a sample spawn-config.json
  • you should known the path to ‘’ binding
  • you need a test client
    • afb-client for testing command line interface
    • afb-ui-devtools for html5 test with a web-browser (chromium, firefox, …)

If you run redpesk simply install the package with dnf install spawn-binding for other platform check redpesk developer guide

Run spawn-binding samples

# move to default install directory
export AFB_SPAWN_INSTALL="/var/local/lib/afm/applications/spawn-binding"

# running without privileged
AFB_SPAWN_CONFIG="$AFB_SPAWN_INSTALL/etc/spawn-nspace-config.json" afb-binder --name=afb-spawn --workdir=$AFB_SPAWN_INSTALL --binding=./lib/ --verbose

# running with privileges
sudo AFB_SPAWN_CONFIG="$AFB_SPAWN_INSTALL/etc/spawn-nspace-config.json" afb-binder --name=afb-spawn --workdir=$AFB_SPAWN_INSTALL --binding=./lib/ --verbose

Note: –binding should point on where ever your is installed, and AFB_SPAWN_CONFIG should point on a valid json config

Verify json config validity

jq < /xxxx/yyy/my-spawn-config.json

Note: JQ package should be available within your standard Linux repository

HTML5 test

Open binding UI with browser at [host]:[port]/devtools/index.html in your browser address bar. For example: localhost:1234/devtools/index.html for a binding running on localhost, on port 1234.

You should see a page as the one below fitting your configuration. To activate a command simply click, select a sample and sent.


Command line test

Connect afb-client to spawn-binding service

afb-client --human ws://localhost:1234/api

Note: depending on afb-client version you may have no prompt. Use simple ping to assert spawn binding is alive !!!

Test your API with afb-client

Basic commands

spawn admin/myid
spawn admin/env
spawn admin/cap

spawn is what ever api name your have chosen in your config.json. Start is the default action, also spawn admin/myid is equivalent to spawn admin/myid {“action”:”start”}.

Passing arguments from query to cli

Api query takes args from the client as a json-object compose of {“name”:”value”} tuples.

spawn admin/list {"args":{"dirname":"/etc"}}
spawn admin/list {"args":{"dirname":"/home"}}
spawn admin/display {"args":{"filename":"/etc/passwd"}}

Each argument passed into query args replaces corresponding %name% in binding config.json. In following example json query argument {“timeout”: value} is passed to sleep command.

config: "exec": {"cmdpath": "/bin/sleep", "args": ["%timeout%"]}
query:  {"action":"start","args":{"timeout":"180"}}
start:  sleep 180;

  • mandatory argument: %argument% (abort the request when missing)
  • optional argument: ?argument? (silently replaced by “” when missing)

Advanced tests

Check for conf.d/project/etc for more advance samples.

Note: depending if you start spawn-binding in a privilege mode or not, some behavior may change. For example “user/group” or “capacity” required to start the binder in admin mode with sudo.

- NOTICE: [API spawn] sandboxParseAcls: [ignoring user/group acls] sandbox='sandbox-demo' no uid/gid privileges ignoring user='"daemon"' group='"dialout"' [/home/fulup/spawn-binding/src/- spawn-sandbox.c:510,sandboxParseAcls]
- NOTICE: [API spawn] [capability ignored] sandbox='sandbox-demo' capability='KILL[set]' (sandboxParseOneCap)
- NOTICE: [API spawn] [cgroups ignored] sandbox=sandbox-demo user=1000 not privileged (sandboxLoadOne)

You may activate all config in one shot by using placing sample config name within AFB_SPAWN_CONFIG or by providing a suite of config.json filenames.

    AFB_SPAWN_CONFIG=$SPAWN_SAMPLE_DIR  # will load every spawn-*.json config for given directory
    AFB_SPAWN_CONFIG=$SPAWN_SAMPLE_DIR/spawn-simple-config.json:$SPAWN_SAMPLE_DIR/spawn-minimal-config.json # load corresponding configs

    afb-binder --name=afb-spawn --binding=xxxxxx/

Warning if you load multiple file double-check that they register different APIs name. Your HTML5 interface should reflect spawn-biding-html5

Testing with GDB

When testing with GDB you should add –trap-faults=no in order to prevent afb-binder from trapping errors.

AFB_SPAWN_CONFIG=../conf.d/project/etc/spawn-simple-config.json gdb --args afb-binder --name=afb-spawn --binding=package/lib/ -vvv --ws-server=unix:/run/user/$UID/simple --trap-faults=no

Testing namespace

Namespace allows to create a fake root filesystem that only expose the minimal necessary resources. Unfortunately depending on your restriction the process may not even start, with no-log to help debugging the situation.

For a quick namespace test, start spawn-binding with spawn-sample-nspace.json. Then use spawn/admin list api/verb to explore your namespace.

AFB_SPAWN_CONFIG=./conf.d/project/etc/spawn-sample-nspace.json afb-binder --name=afb-spawn --binding=./package/lib/

Namespace can a tricky to debug. In case of doubt add {“verbose”:1} to query argument list, this will push within your command stderr the bwrap equivalent command. You may then copy/paste the command line and replace you command with “bash” to explore in interactive mode your namespace.

Testing formatting

spawn-binding support 3 builtin formatting options. Encoder formatting is enforced for each command within config.json. Default encoder is “DOCUMENT” and it cannot not be change at query time. Check spawn-sample-encoders.json for example. If you need the same command with multiple formatting, then your config should duplicate the entry with different uid.

Exposing spawn API as AFB micro-service

In order to make spawn-binding api accessible from other AFB micro-service you simply export the API with –ws-server=unix:/path/apiname as you would do for any other AFB micro-service. The exposed API may later be imported with –ws-client==unix:/path/apiname by any afb-binder that get corresponding privileges. Note: when exposing an API locally it is a good practice to remove TCP/IP visibility with –no-httpd

# note than --ws-server=unix exported API should match with selected config.json
AFB_SPAWN_CONFIG=$SPAWN_SAMPLE_DIR/spawn-simple-config.json afb-binder --no-httpd --ws-server=unix:/run/user/$UID/simple --name=afb-spawn --binding=package/lib/ -vvv --ws-server=unix:/run/user/$UID/spawn

Direct unix socket API can be tested with –direct argument

# note that when using direct api, apiname should not be added to the request
afb-client --direct unix:/run/user/$UID/simple
> ping
> admin/env


spawn-binding support an ‘autoload’, any action in this sections will be tried at binding starup time.

  "onload": [
      "uid": "vpn-autostart",
      "info": "create VPN interface (reference",
      "action": "api://autostart#vpn-start"

wireguard-autostart.json provide a small example to start a wireguard VPN.

To run the test.

  • Install ‘wireguard-tools’ to get ‘wg-quick’ helper.
  • Start ‘’ to create a test config into /etc/wireguard/spawn-binding.conf
  • Check with sudo wg-quick up spawn-binding that your config works.
  • Start ‘spawn-binding’ in privileged mode with ```bash sudo AFB_SPAWN_CONFIG=../conf.d/project/etc/wireguard-autostart.json afb-binder –name=afb-spawn –binding=package/lib/ –verbose

## caching events

spawn-binding is an [afb-controller](/docs/en/master/developer-guides/controllerConfig.html) and may on event reception execute internal/external API. For external action you should use *--ws-client=xxx* to import the api within spawn-binding context. Note that to execute an external API you also need corresponding privileges.
  "events": [
      "uid": "monitor/disconnected",
      "info": "call log function on monitor/disconnect event detection",
      "action": "api://autostart#vpn-log"