redpesk® cloud publication binding

Important note: the cloud publication binding actually comes in two parts: the target/edge binding and the cloud part. Please see below how to install both.

The cloud part runs in a container an needs a machine supporting LXD.

A - Redpesk targets

The cloud publication binding is available in the standard Redpesk repositories included in your board configuration file.

dnf install cloud-publication-binding

B - Native

Installing from package repositories

First, refer to the “Verify Your Build Host” section to check your host is supported and perform the associated necessary configuration steps. Then, you can use the commandlines below to get the cloud-publication-binding binding and all its dependencies.

Please follow the instructions contained in the paragraph suitable for your distribution.

Important: the host configuration steps above will have made you define the DISTRO variable used in the package repository URLs below.


First, add the redpesk-sdk repository to the list of your packages repositories.

# Add the repository in your list
$ echo "deb$DISTRO/ ./" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
# Add the repository key
$ curl -L$DISTRO/Release.key | sudo apt-key add -

Then, update the list of packages and simply install the cloud-publication-binding package.

# Update the list of available packages
$ sudo apt update
# Installation of cloud-publication-binding
$ sudo apt-get install cloud-publication-binding


First, add the redpesk-sdk repository to the list of your packages repositories.

$ cat << EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/redpesk-sdk.repo

Then, simply install the cloud-publication-binding package.

dnf install cloud-publication-binding

OpenSUSE Leap

First, add the Redpesk “sdk” repository in the list of your packages repositories.

$ OPENSUSE_VERSION=15.2 # Set the right OpenSUSE version
# Add the repository in your list
$ sudo zypper ar$DISTRO/ redpesk-sdk
# Refresh your repositories
$ sudo zypper ref

Then, simply install the cloud-publication-binding package.

sudo zypper in cloud-publication-binding

C - From source

We advise you use the local builder for building the binding sources. The local builder comes with everything setup to build Redpesk® projects.


  • gcc
  • make
  • cmake
  • afb-cmake-modules
  • json-c
  • afb-binding
  • libmicrohttpd
  • afb-libhelpers
  • afb-libcontroller


sudo dnf install gcc make cmake afb-cmake-modules json-c-devel afb-binding-devel libmicrohttpd afb-libhelpers-devel afb-libcontroller lua-devel


sudo apt install gcc make cmake afb-cmake-modules-bin libsystemd-dev libjson-c-dev afb-binding-dev libmicrohttpd12 afb-libhelpers-dev afb-libcontroller liblua5.3-dev

Build & Install

git clone
cd cloud-publication-binding
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install

D - Cloud side / container

The cloud publication binding purpose is to publish target data to the cloud. The current implementation makes use of a Redis database driven by the redis-tsdb-binding binding and application framework included in a container for easy deployments.

Install the container provides a setup script to easily install and configure LXD containers. You can find it at in the redpesk-localbuilder-installer repository.

Follow these steps to setup LXD and configure the cloud binding container:

git clone
cd redpesk-localbuilder-installer
./ create -c redpesk-cloud-publication -t cloud-publication

This will download LXD for your OS, pull the cloud publication binding host side container and start it.

Setup and check target/container connectivity

At this point, the container is running on your host machine, and the Redis binding is listening on port 21212. The next step is to check you can reach it from your target.

The specifics of target/host connectivity are left to the reader as they depend on each user setup. The easiest is to have both target and host running on the same subnet, connected to the same switch/access point.

The first criteria would be that you can ping the host machine running the container from your target.

You can then check you can also reach the container itself using a command like netcat (here, the target is a Qemu virtual machine):

# nc -vz 21212
Ncat: Version 7.80 ( )
Ncat: Connected to
Ncat: 0 bytes sent, 0 bytes received in 0.02 seconds

The next step is to add an entry into /etc/hosts on the target. Following our configuration above, this would give:

echo ' cloud-publication-container' >> /etc/hosts

You are then ready to start the binding on the target following the usage instructions.