
Configuration defines all in Signal composer each signals and sources has to be defined in it. At start, configuration will be searched in default binding configuration directory which should be /var/local/lib/afm/applications/signal-composer/VER/etc/, VER is the version of signal composer. Binding search for a file name as init-daemon*.json. Others files could be used to split sections and don’t have 1 big fat definitions file.

Saying that you have 4 sections to define:

  • metadata: Main parts and the only one that can’t be in a separates configuration. This must appears in the main configuration file.
  • plugins (optional): Declare plugins that will be used by sources and signals for the subscription and composition.
  • sources: Declare low level signals sources (eg. low-can, gps, mraa, …).
  • signals: Declare signals, virtuals and raw.


Here we define some metadata about signal composer binding. Fields to configure are :

  • uid: self-explanatory
  • version (optional): self-explanatory
  • api (optional): name that the binding will be initialized to and later be accessible by Application Framework
  • info (optional): self-explanatory
  • require (optional): list of required external apis.


This section is the only which is optional, it is needed if you develop specifics C/C++ plugins to be used with signal-composer. LUA and API consumption does not need plugins.

Default path to search for a plugin is in the binding library directory in a subdirectory plugins /var/local/lib/afm/applications/signal-composer/VER/lib/plugins. Else you could use the environment variable CONTROL_PLUGIN_PATH with a semicolon separated list of directory.

Fields are:

  • uid: Define the plugin name. This is that label that will be used on sources and signals callbacks.
  • ldpath (optional): path to the plugin directory
  • info (optional): self-explanatory
  • basename: shared library file name without the extension.
  • files (optional): list of additionnals files. ONLY NAME or part of it, without extension. Don’t mix up section object with this key, either one or the other but avoid using both


A source is a low level API that will be consume by the signal composer to be able to expose those signals with additionnals treatments, filtering, thinning,… and create new virtuals signals composed with basic raw signals.

A source is defined with following fields:

  • uid: An unique identifier name for thatuid source API.
  • api: Name of the source API.
  • info (optional): self-explanatory
  • init (optional): an action to take to initialize a source. May you have to call a verb from that API, of create a files etc.
  • getSignals (optional); an action to take to get signals from that source. These callback will be used for each signals defined later in the signals section. Dedicated arguments for each signal could be defined in signals.
  • files (optional): list of additionnals files. ONLY NAME or part of it, without extension. Don’t mix up section object with this key, either one or the other but avoid using both


A signal definition could be either a raw one or a virtual one. A virtual signal is a set of existing raw signals associated to an action on reception which will compute the value of the signal.

  • uid: Unique identifier used inside signal composer, used to compose virtual signals.
  • event: specify a raw signal coming from low level sources. Couldn’t be used with depends field, only one of them is possible.
  • depends: specify others signals id that compose it (eg: heading is composed with longitude+latitude signals.). Couldn’t be used with event field at same time.
  • retention (optional): retention duration in seconds
  • unit (optional): Unit used to exprime the signal
  • frequency (optional): Frequency maximum at which the signal could be requested or sent. This is a thinning made at high level so not best suited for performance. Used low level native filtering capabilities when possible.
  • getSignalsArgs: a JSON object used at subscription time. Meant to enabled filtering capabilities at subscription and to be able to customize in general a subcription request by signal if needed.
  • onReceived: an action to take when this signal is received!
  • files (optional): list of additionnals files. ONLY NAME or part of it, without extension. Don’t mix up section object with this key, either one or the other but avoid using both