is part of redpesk-common and is available on any redpesk installation.
# on a target running redpesk OS
sudo dnf install sec-gate-oidc sec-gate-webui
Other Linux Distributions
Prerequisite: should declare redpesk repository: [instructions-here]
# Fedora
sudo dnf install sec-gate-oidc sec-gate-fedid-binding sec-gate-webui
# OpenSuse
sudo zypper install sec-gate-oidc sec-gate-fedid-binding sec-gate-webui
# Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install sec-gate-oidc-bin sec-gate-fedid-binding sec-gate-webui
: is an optional angular/html5 frontend. If you do not use Angular, you should check basic HTML/JS testing UI and write your own one. -
: is the companion binding that handles the federation database. It implements locally an identity storage with a sqlite backend. The Identity store is implemented as an external binding to allow developers to replace it with their preferred identity store model.
Quick test
start sec-gate-oidc samples
Use one of the default config templates to write your own one and start the binder with your own oidc-config.json
# check with PAM login as fake IDP
afb-binder --config=/my_config/oidc-local.json
Note: any test with an external authority requires a minimum level of remote configuration. Check specific IDPs requirement before trying oidc-oauth2.json samples.
Connect to HTML5 test page
Connect your browser to your sec-gate-oidc service with https://target:port
to display corresponding HTML5 test page. When testing on your local machine redirect uri should look like https://localhost:1234 when running sgate on a target, then your should use https://target-ip-addr
HTTPS requires SSL certificates. Check $PROJECT/conf.d/project/ssl/ to generated self signed SSL certificates. For development you may also choose to remove SSL. To remove SSL simply set ‘HTTPS’:false within your oidc-config.json
Warning: most IDPs impose HTTPS connection when using anything different from localhost as redirect login URL.
Rebuild ‘sec-gate-oidc’ from sources
Notice: recompiling sec-gate-oidc
is not required to implement your own set of rules.
You should recompile sec-gate-oidc
- targeting a not supported environment/distribution.
- changing code to fix bugs or propose improvements (contributions are more than welcome)
- adding custom/unsupported IDPs*
Install building dependencies
- declare redpesk repositories (see previous step).
- install typical Linux C/C++ development tool chain gcc+cmake+….
Install AFB binder and sec-gate-oidc dependencies
- application framework: ‘afb-binding-devel’, ‘afb-binder-dev’, ‘afb-libafb-devel’
- cmake template ‘afb-cmake-modules’
Note: For Ubuntu/OpenSuse/Fedora specific instructions check redpesk-developer-guide
Install sec-gate-oidc specific dependencies
- standard linux dependencies
- libpam-devel
- libcurl-devel
- uthash
- pcsc-lite pcsc-lite-libs
- Redpesk AFB application framework dependencies
- afb-cmake-modules
- afb-libafb-devel
Note: all previous dependencies should be available out-of-the-box for major Linux distributions (Fedora, OpenSuse, Ubuntu). Note that Debian/Ubuntu use ‘.dev’ in place of ‘.devel’.
Download source from git
git clone
git clone
Build your fedid binding and sgate binder extension
Build and install fedid-binding first, as the secure gate extension depends on fedid types converters ship as part of fedid-binding.
Both should compile with standard AGL cmake template.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
Run a test from building tree
Create a custom config file from samples available at ‘../conf.d/project/etc/oidc-*.json’. When config looks good try it with afb-binder –config. Note that it is a good ‘best-practice’ to check your json config with ‘jq’ on equivalent tools before trying to use it.
jq < ../conf.d/project/etc/my-oidc-config.json
afb-binder --config=../conf.d/project/etc/my-oidc-config.json -v
Warning NFC USB reader (ACR122U) with pcscd
- Do not forget to update NFC kernel module blacklist
- sudo cp $SOURCES/libs/pcscd-client/test/nfc-blacklist.conf /etc/modprobe.d
- rmmod nfc and dependencies (or reboot)
- systemctl enable pcscd.service
Check with you USB reader is visible with
./build/package/bin/pcscd-client --list -- reader[?]=ACS ACR122U PICC Interface 01 00