phantauth Quick start IDP configuration
phantauth is not a readl IDP, but more a tool for openid-connect client test and certification. It hardly requires configuration and might be very convenient for your CI/QA testing environment.
Note that Phantauth provides a quite complete set od REST api to automate your CI testing scenario. Check API documentation here
1- request a developer account.
Phantauth is fully opensource, and no registration is required. This does not prevent you from giving a small donation to cover operation costs pricing
2- get your application client-id
Phantauth allows you to use any random client-id. Simply generate a secret here
3- register your login url
No need to register your redirect_uri, any one will do the job. This being said, you still need a valid end point to accept redirect after a valid authentication.
"statics": {
"login": "/sgate/phantauth/login",
"logo": "/sgate/phantauth/logo-64px.png",
4- Add users
No need to request a user. Phantauth provides a fake login with no password. At login time user may choose its own attributes.
6- mapping role on sgate security attributes
Phantauth does not handle groups/roles as such. Nevertheless for testing purposes you may still use gender or order other attributes as fake security attributes.
For this, create a profile that requests corresponding identity attributes. Available scope here
"profiles": [
{"uid":"basic", "loa":1, "scope":"openid profile"},
{"uid":"basic", "loa":2, "scope":"openid profile address"}
Then map one of the return keys from JWT token_id as sgate security attribute.
"schema": {
"attrs": "address",
7 Minimalist phantauth config.
A minimalist configuration may look like the following one. Check for config chapter for full config options.
"name": "afb-oidc",
"rootdir": "/my/sgate/rootdir",
"https": true,
"https-cert": "./project/ssl/devel-cert.pem",
"https-key": "./project/ssl/devel-key.pem",
"extension": "",
"binding" : [{"uid": "fedid-api", "path": ""}],
"@extconfig": {
"sec-gate-oidc": {
"api": "sgate",
"globals": {
"login": "/sgate/common/login.html",
"register": "/sgate/common/register.html",
"fedlink": "/sgate/common/fedlink.html",
"error": "/sgate/common/error.html",
"idps": [{
"uid": "phantauth",
"type": "oidc",
"credentials": {
"clientid": "sec-gate-oidc-iotbzh",
"secret": "3ON5yAxX",
"wellknown": {
"discovery": "",
"statics": {
"login": "/sgate/phantauth/login",
"logo": "/sgate/phantauth/logo-64px.png",
"timeout": 600
"profiles": [
{"uid":"basic", "loa":1, "scope":"openid profile"},
"alias": [
{"uid": "idp-phantauth" , "url":"/sgate/onlogin", "path":"idps/phantauth" },
{"uid": "public" , "url":"/public", "path":"public" },
{"uid": "private", "url":"/private", "loa":1, "path":"private" },
{"uid": "confidential", "url":"/confidential", "loa":2, "path":"confidential" },