Launching options of afb-binder

The launch options for binder afb-binder are listed below. This list is created using the command afb-binder --help. Given that the default values may change, use this command to get effective values.

      --alias=ALIAS          Multiple url map outside of rootdir [eg:
      --apitimeout=TIMEOUT   Binding API timeout in seconds [default 20]
  -A, --auto-api=DIRECTORY   Automatic load of api of the given directory
      --background           Get all in background mode
  -b, --binding=SPEC         Load the binding of SPEC where SPEC is
                             BINDING[:[UID:]CONFIG], the path of the BINDING,
                             the path of the CONFIG, the UID
      --cache-eol=TIMEOUT    Client cache end of live [default 100000]
      --call=CALLSPEC        Call at start, format of val: API/VERB:json-args
      --cntxtimeout=TIMEOUT  Client Session Context Timeout [default 32000000]
  -c, --color[=VALUE]        Colorize the ouput
  -C, --config=FILENAME      Load options from the given config file
  -D, --daemon               Get all in background mode
  -e, --exec                 Execute the remaining arguments
      --foreground           Get all in foreground mode
      --https                Activates HTTPS
      --https-cert=FILE      File containing the certificate (pem)
      --https-key=KEY        File containing the private key (pem)
  -i, --interface=INTERFACE  Add HTTP listening interface (ex:
  -j, --jobs-max=VALUE       Maximum count of jobs that can be queued  [default
      --ldpaths=PATHSET      Load bindings from dir1:dir2:...
  -l, --log=LOGSPEC          Tune log level
  -M, --monitoring           Enable HTTP monitoring at <ROOT>/monitoring/
      --no-httpd             Forbid HTTP service
  -n, --name=NAME            Set the visible name
  -o, --output=FILENAME      Redirect stdout and stderr to output file (when
  -p, --port=PORT            HTTP listening TCP port  [default 1234]
  -q, --quiet                Quiet Mode, repeat to decrease verbosity
      --rootapi=PATH         HTML Root API URL [default /api]
      --rootbase=PATH        Angular Base Root URL [default /opa]
      --rootdir=DIRECTORY    Root Directory of the application [default:
                             workdir] relative to workdir
      --roothttp=DIRECTORY   HTTP Root Directory [default no root http (files
                             not served but apis still available)]
      --rpc-client=SOCKSPEC  Bind to an afb service through websocket
      --rpc-server=SOCKSPEC  Provide an afb service through websockets
      --session-max=COUNT    Max count of session simultaneously [default 200]
  -s, --set=VALUE            Set parameters ([API]/[KEY]:JSON or
      --traceapi=VALUE       Log the apis: none, common, api, event, all
      --traceevt=VALUE       Log the events: none, common, extra, all
      --traceglob=VALUE      Log the globals: none, all
      --tracereq=VALUE       Log the requests: none, common, extra, all
      --traceses=VALUE       Log the sessions: none, all
      --trap-faults=VALUE    Trap faults: on, off, yes, no, true, false, 1, 0
                             (default: true)
  -F, --fail                 Shortcut for --trap-faults=no
  -t, --threads-max=VALUE    Maximum count of parallel threads held [default 5]
  -u, --uploaddir=DIRECTORY  Directory for uploading files [default: workdir]
                             relative to workdir
  -v, --verbose              Verbose Mode, repeat to increase verbosity
      --weak-ldpaths=PATHSET Same as --ldpaths but errors are not fatal
      --ws-client=SOCKSPEC   Bind to an afb service through websocket
      --ws-server=SOCKSPEC   Provide an afb service through websockets
  -w, --workdir=DIRECTORY    Set the working directory [default: $PWD or
                             current working directory]
  -x, --extension=SPEC       Load the extension of SPEC where SPEC is
                             EXTENSION[:[UID:]CONFIG], the path of the
                             EXTENSION, the path of the CONFIG, the UID
  -X, --extpaths=PATHSET     Load extensions from dir1:dir2:...
  -z, --dump-final-config    Dump the config after expansion to stdout and exit

  -Z, --dump-config          Dump the config to stdout and exit
  -?, --help                 Give this help list
      --usage                Give a short usage message
  -V, --version              Print program version


Prints help with available options and the real defaults values


A short usage


Display version and copyright


Increases the verbosity, can be repeated


Add basic colorization to the output.


Decreases the verbosity, can be repeated


Tune the log level mask. The levels are:

  • error
  • warning
  • notice
  • info
  • debug

The level can be set using + or -.

Examples description
error,warning selects only the levels error and warning
+debug adds level debug to the current verbosity
-warning remove the level warning from the current verbosity
+warning-debug,info Adds error and remove errors and warnings


HTTP listening TCP port [default 1234]


Directory where the daemon must run [default: $PWD if defined or the current working directory]


Directory where uploaded files are temporarily stored [default: workdir]


Root directory of the application to serve [default: workdir]


Directory of HTTP served files. If not set, files are not served but apis are still accessible.


Angular Base Root URL [default /opa]

This is used for any application of kind OPA (one page application). When set, any missing document whose url has the form /opa/zzz is translated to /opa/#!zzz


HTML Root API URL [default /api]

The bindings are available within that url.


Maps a path located anywhere in the file system to the a subdirectory. The syntax for mapping a PATH to the subdirectory NAME is: –alias=/NAME:PATH.

Example: –alias=/icons:/usr/share/icons maps the content of /usr/share/icons within the subpath /icons.

This option can be repeated.


If the option is present, it activates HTTPS


Path to the file containing the certificate of the HTTPS server.


Path to the file containing the private key of the HTTPS server.


binding API timeout in seconds [default 20]

Defines how many seconds maximum a method is allowed to run. 0 means no limit.


Client Session Timeout in seconds [default 32000000 that is 1 year]


Client cache end of live [default 100000 that is 27,7 hours]


Maximum count of simultaneous sessions [default 200]


Load bindings from given paths separated by colons as for… [default = $libdir/afb]

You can mix path to directories and to bindings. The sub-directories of the given directories are searched recursively.

The bindings are the files terminated by ‘.so’ (the extension so denotes shared object) that contain the public entry symbol.


Same as –ldpaths but instead of stopping on error, ignore errors and continue.


Load the binding of given path.


Transparent binding to a binder afb-binder service through a WebSocket.

The value of xxxx is either a unix naming socket, of the form “unix:path/api”, or an internet socket, of the form “host:port/api”.


Provides a binder afb-binder service through WebSocket.

The value of xxxx is either a unix naming socket, of the form “unix:path/api”, or an internet socket, of the form “host:port/api”.


Get all in foreground mode (default)

daemon or background

Get all in background mode


Forbids HTTP serve


Must be the last option for afb-binder. The remaining arguments define a command that afb-binder will launch. The sequences @p and @@ of the arguments are replaced with the port and @.


Trace the processing of requests in the log file.

Valid values are ‘none’ (default), ‘common’, ‘extra’ or ‘all’.


Trace the accesses to functions of class api.

Valid values are ‘none’ (default), ‘common’, ‘api’, ‘event’ or ‘all’.


Trace the accesses to functions of class event.

Valid values are ‘none’ (default), ‘common’, ‘extra’ or ‘all’.


Trace the global accesses.

Valid values are ‘none’ (default) or ‘all’.


Trace the accesses to functions of class session.

Valid values are ‘none’ (default) or ‘all’.


Call a binding at start (can be be repeated). The values are given in the form API/VERB:json-args.

Example: –call ‘monitor/set:{“verbosity”:{“api”:”debug”}}’


Enable HTTP monitoring at /monitoring/


Set the visible name


Automatic activation of api of the given directory when the api is missing.


Load options from the given config file

This can be used instead of arguments on the command line.


afb-binder \
	--binding /home/15646/bindings/ \
	--binding /home/15646/bindings/ \
	--tracereq common \
	--port 5555 \
	--set api45/key:54027a5e3c6cb2ca5ddb97679ce32f185b067b0a557d16a8333758910bc25a72 \
	--exec /home/15646/bin/test654 @p @t

is equivalent to:

afb-binder --config /home/15646/config1

when the file /home/15646/config1 is:

  "binding": [
  "tracereq": "common",
  "port": 5555,
  "set" : {
    "api45": {
      "key": "54027a5e3c6cb2ca5ddb97679ce32f185b067b0a557d16a8333758910bc25a72"
  "exec": [

The options are the keys of the config object.

See option –dump-config


Output a JSON representation of the configuration resulting from environment and options.


Redirect stdout and stderr to output file


Set values that can be retrieved by bindings.

The set value can have different formats.

The most generic format is {“API1”:{“KEY1”:VALUE,”KEY2”:VALUE2,…},”API2”:…}

This example set 2 keys for the api chook:

afb-binder -Z --set '{"chook":{"account":"urn:chook:b2ca5ddb97679","delay":500}}'
   "set": {
     "chook": {
       "account": "urn:chook:b2ca5ddb97679",
       "delay": 500

An other format is: [API]/[KEY]:VALUE. When API is omitted, it take the value “”. When KEY is ommitted, it take the value of “”.

The settings for the API * are globals and apply to all bindings.

The settings for the KEY * are mixing the value for the API.

The following examples are all setting the same values:

afb-binder --set '{"chook":{"account":"urn:chook:b2ca5ddb97679","delay":500}}'
afb-binder --set 'chook/*:{"account":"urn:chook:b2ca5ddb97679","delay":500}'
afb-binder --set 'chook/:{"account":"urn:chook:b2ca5ddb97679","delay":500}'
afb-binder --set 'chook/account:"urn:chook:b2ca5ddb97679"' --set chook/delay:500


Add an HTTP listening interface.


Set the maximum count of jobs to be queued.


Indicates that faults are to be trapped or not


Set the maximum count of hold threads


Load the given binder extension


Load the extensions found recursively in the given pathset