The permissions

Permission’s names

Permissions are simple strings called name of the permission or simply the permission. The string used could be any distinct string but we are using a naming scheme for it.

The permission names are URN of the form:


where the NID (the namespace identifier) is depends of the surrounding namespace.

The currently used NID used are:

  • AGL: dedicated to AGL
  • redpesk: dedicated to redpesk

The permission names are made of NSS (the namespace specific string) starting with “permission:” and followed by colon separated fields.

The 2 first fields are <api> and <level> and the remaining fields are grouped to form the <hierarchical-name>.

    <api> ::= [ <pname> ]

    <level> ::= 1*<lower>

    <hierarchical-name> ::= <pname> 0*(":" <pname>)

    <pname> ::= 1*<pchars>

    <pchars> ::= <upper> | <lower> | <number> | <extra>

    <extra> ::= "-" | "." | "_" | "@"

Doing this, there is no real need for the framework to keep installed permissions in a database.

The field <api> can be made of any valid character for NSS except the characters colon (:) and star (*). This field designates the api providing the permission. This scheme is used to deduce binding requirements from permission requirements. The field <api> can be the empty string when the permission is defined by the system or for any api itself.

The field <level> is made only of letters in lower case. The field <level> can only take the predefined values:

  • system
  • platform
  • partner
  • tiers
  • owner
  • public

The field <hierarchical-name> is made of <pname> separated by colons.

Example of permissions

Here is a list of some possible permissions. These permissions are available the 21th of May 2019.

  • urn:AGL:permission::platform:no-oom

    Set OOMScoreAdjust=-500 to keep the out-of-memory killer away.

  • urn:AGL:permission::partner:real-time

    Set IOSchedulingClass=realtime to give to the process realtime scheduling.

    Conversely, not having this permission set RestrictRealtime=on to forbid realtime features.

  • urn:AGL:permission::public:display

    Adds the group “display” to the list of supplementary groups of the process.

  • urn:AGL:permission::public:syscall:clock

    Without this permission SystemCallFilter=~@clock is set to forbid call to clock.

  • urn:AGL:permission::public:no-htdocs

    The http directory served is not “htdocs” but “.”

  • urn:AGL:permission::public:applications:read

    Allows to read data of installed applications (and to access icons).

  • urn:AGL:permission::partner:service:no-ws

    Forbids services to provide its API through websocket.

  • urn:AGL:permission::partner:service:no-dbus

    Forbids services to provide its API through D-Bus.

  • urn:AGL:permission::system:run-by-default

    Starts automatically the application. Example: home-screen.

  • urn:AGL:permission::partner:scope-platform

    Install the service at the scope of the platform.

  • urn:AGL:permission::partner:tty

    Adds the group “tty” to the list of supplementary groups of the process.

  • urn:AGL:permission::partner:dialout

    Adds the group “dialout” to the list of supplementary groups of the process.

  • urn:AGL:permission::partner:video

    Adds the group “video” to the list of supplementary groups of the process.

  • urn:AGL:permission::system:capability:keep-all

    Keep all capabilities for the service. Note that implementing that permission is not mandatory or can be adapted for the given system.


    Permission to use D-Bus.

  • urn:AGL:permission:afm:system:widget

    Permission of the application framework

  • urn:AGL:permission:afm:system:widget:detail

    Permission of the application framework

  • urn:AGL:permission:afm:system:widget:start

    Permission of the application framework

  • urn:AGL:permission:afm:system:widget:view-all

    Permission of the application framework

  • urn:AGL:permission:afm:system:runner

    Permission of the application framework

  • urn:AGL:permission:afm:system:runner:state

    Permission of the application framework

  • urn:AGL:permission:afm:system:runner:kill

    Permission of the application framework

  • urn:AGL:permission:afm:system:set-uid

    Permission of the application framework

  • urn:AGL:permission:afm:system:widget:install

    Permission of the application framework

  • urn:AGL:permission:afm:system:widget:uninstall

    Permission of the application framework

Proposals of evolution


The field <api> if starting with the character “@” represents a transversal/cross permission not bound to any binding.


The field <api> if starting with the 2 characters “@@” in addition to a permission not bound to any binding, represents a permission that must be set at installation and that can not be revoked later.

[PROPOSAL 3] Hierarchy in name

The names at left are hierarchically grouping the names at right. This hierarchical behaviour is intended to be used to request permissions using hierarchical grouping. This behaviour is not implemented by the framework at the moment but it is sometime implemented using specific rules.

[PROPOSAL 4] Permission value

In some case, it could be worth to add a value to a permission, like in urn:redpesk:permission::user=foo.

Currently, the framework allows it for permissions linked to generation of systemd units. But this not currently used.

Conversely, permissions linked to cynagora can’t carry data except in their name.

Thus to have a simple and cleaner model, it is better to forbid attachment of value to permission.