Getting the binder

The binder if installed by default on all redpesk distributions.

It is valuable to install the binder afb-binder, its simple client afb-client and the headers for developing bindings afb-binding on its development environment, because it allows two important things:

  • communication with redpesk services
  • first step debugging within a rich environment

Installing from packages provides an SDK for some common linux distributions at the download URL

You must first add the repository to your list of repositories.

Then you have to install the packages.

Add the sdk repository

Add the repository to your list of repositories using this script:

# Retrieve the setup script and execute it
wget -O - | bash

Installing for Fedora:

Install the packages

sudo dnf install afb-binder afb-client afb-binding-devel

Installing for open SUSE:

Install the packages

sudo zypper in afb-binder afb-client afb-binding-devel

Installing on Debian 10

Install the packages

sudo apt update
sudo apt install afb-binder afb-client afb-binding-dev

Installing on Ubuntu 20

Install the packages

sudo apt update
sudo apt install afb-binder afb-client afb-binding-dev

Installing from rebuild

For older distributions that are not supported by, or for less commonly used distributions (gentoo, arch, …) it is possible to build from sources.

Building from sources is done in 4 steps:

  • install required dependencies
  • clone source repositories
  • setup environment
  • compile and install sources

Install dependencies

The exact workflow for installing dependencies required for the build depends on your distribution. The procedure below applies on widely used distributions.

  • For Fedora or open SUSE

    dnf install json-c-devel systemd-devel readline-devel libmicrohttpd-devel file-devel cmake make gcc

  • For Debian or Ubuntu

    apt install libjson-c-dev libsystemd-dev libreadline-dev libmicrohttpd-dev libmagic-dev cmake make gcc

Get the sources

Building the binder and the client from the sources requires cloning of the following repositories:

  • afb-binding:
  • afb-libafb:
  • afb-binder:
  • afb-client:

It can be achieved as below:

git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone

Compile and install

Before compiling you have to choose the base directory where you want to install the programs and development files. That directory is noted PREFIX. The common values of PREFIX are:

  • /usr
  • /usr/local
  • $HOME/.local

The two first require to have privilege (as user root), the latter doesn’t.

Then to compile the whole set, enter the following commands:

export PREFIX=$HOME/.local
export CPATH=$PREFIX/include:$CPATH
export PATH=$PREFIX/bin:$PATH
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PREFIX/lib64/pkgconfig:$PREFIX/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH

afb-binding/ install
WITHOUT_CYNAGORA=ON afb-libafb/ install
afb-binder/ install
afb-client/ install

It is done!