Debugging binder and bindings

When compiled appropriately, the binder understands the 2 configuration variables:

  • AFB_DEBUG_BREAK: to emit interrupts
  • AFB_DEBUG_WAIT: to wait interrupts

To use these variables, assign it the list of break or wait points to reach.


$ AFB_DEBUG_BREAK=main-entry AFB_DEBUG_WAIT=start-load,start-exec afb-binder ....

This tells to afb-binder to break at the point main-entry and to wait at the points start-load and start-exec.

The items of the list can be separated using comma, space, tab or new-line.

The break/wait points are, in the order of their occurrence:

  • main-entry: before decode arguments
  • main-args: before binder setup
  • main-start: before starting jobs
  • start-entry: before initialisation of sessions and hooks
  • start-load: before load and pre-init of bindings
  • start-start: before init of bindings
  • start-http: before start of http server
  • start-call: before execution of requests of the command line (option –call)
  • start-exec: before execution of child process

Note also that a call to ‘personality’ is inserted just after the point start-start.