afb-binder - Application Framework Binder
afb-binder [<options>...]
The program afb-binder, often called the binder, has 3 main purposes:
ensure security context for APIs provided by bindings
connect APIs running on different instances
enable HTML5 access to connected APIs
Bindings are shared object libraries dynamically loaded by the binder. These bindings when loaded are declaring API(s) that they provide.
API stands fo Application Programmer Interface. In the context of afb-binder, it represents a set of procedures linked to a same service.
An API groups named entries called verbs. A verb is a callable endpoint, a procedure for short: it receives data, process it, return a result.
The program afb-binder ensure the security context for these API and verbs. It tracks identity of callers and checks there rights and capabilities against the statically declared policy attached to verbs.
It provides the transport mechanism to connect instances of afb-binder, allowing one instance to call verbs of an other instance, providing an invisible RPC (Remote Procedure Call) secured framework for free.
afb-binder also easy export of callable verbs to HTML5 applications. But not only because it allows to build rich HTML5 applications by providing a simple but powerful HTTP server.
To achieve its goals, afb-binder must identify clients and assign them to client sessions indexed using a unique session identifier.
Turn to run in background mode (synonym of --daemon)
Call a verb at start. This option can be repeated.
The effect is to cal the VERB of the API with the JSON value JSONARG as argument. This call is made after initialisation and before starting to serve.
Example: --call 'monitor/set:{"verbosity":{"api":"debug"}}'
--cntxtimeout TIMEOUT
Client Session Context Timeout in seconds [default 32000000 (means 370 days)]
-D, --daemon
Turn to run in background mode (synonym of --background)
-e, --exec COMMAND AND ARGS...
Execute the remaining arguments
This MUST be the last option.
The remaining arguments define a command that afb-binder will launch and run. afb-binder will stop when the launched command stops.
The sequences @p and @@ of the arguments are replaced with the port (see --port) and @.
Turn to run in forground mode (this is the default mode)
-j, --jobs-max VALUE
Maximum count of jobs that can be queued. Value must be a positive integer.
-n, --name NAME
Set the visible name of the process for command ps. Also set the environment variable AFB_NAME.
--session-max COUNT
Max count of simultaneous sessions. Value must be a positive integer.
-o, --output FILENAME
Redirect stdout and stderr to output file of path FILENAME (useful when --daemon).
-T, --threads-init VALUE
Number of threads to start at the beginning.
-t, --threads-max VALUE
Maximum count of parallel threads held on. Value must be a positive integer.
-u, --uuid UUID
Set the session UUID of the binder, random by default.
--rootdir DIRECTORY
Root directory of the application. If the path is relative, it is given relative to the workdir as set by option --workdir. The default value is to use the workdir (same as --rootdir=.)
-w, --workdir DIRECTORY
Set the working directory. The working directory is the default directory of the program. By default, don't change of directory and use the current one.
Http service
--alias ALIAS
Install an HTTP alias for a specific directory. This option can be repeated.
The syntax is --alias=/PREF:DIR where /PREF is an absolute path (starting with a /) and DIR is either and absolute path or a path relative to the workdir.
The effect is that HTTP requests to URL of path /PREF/subpath served by files of subpath within the directory DIR.
Example: --alias=/icons:/usr/share/icons maps the content of /usr/share/icons within the subpath /icons.
--cache-eol TIMEOUT
Client cache end of live in seconds [default 100000 (means 27 hours)]
Activates HTTPS
--https-cert FILE
Path to the file containing the certificate in PEM format to use for serving HTTPS
--https-key FILE
Path to the file containing the private key in PEM format to use for serving HTTPS
-i, --interface INTERFACE
Add HTTP listening interface. The format is SERVICE:HOST:PORT. (ex: tcp:localhost:8080)
Forbid HTTP service: no file served and no API through websockets.
-p, --port PORT
HTTP listening TCP port. The default value is 1234. Setting the option --port=4545 is equivalent to set option --interface=tcp: that listen to any interface at port 4545.
--rootapi PATH
HTTP Root API URL [default /api]
--rootbase PATH
Angular Base Root URL [default /opa]. This option is intended to serve One Page Applications.
The syntax is --rootbase=/PREF where /PREF is an absolute path (starting with a /).
The effect is that HTTP requests to URL of path /PREF/subpath are redirected to /PREF/#!subpath if it can not be satisfied normally.
--roothttp DIRECTORY
Root directory for serving files through HTTP. If the path is relative, it is given relative to the workdir as set by option --workdir. If not set, the default is to not serve files through HTTP but to serve API through websocket connections.
-u, --uploaddir DIRECTORY
Directory for uploading files through HTTP POST methods. If the path is relative, it is given relative to the workdir as set by option --workdir. The default value is to use the workdir (same as --uploaddir=.)
Bindings and APIs
--apitimeout TIMEOUT
Binding API timeout in seconds [default 20]
Defines how many seconds maximum a verb is allowed to run before raising an error. 0 means no limit.
-A, --auto-api DIRECTORY
Automatic activation of APIs found in the given DIRECTORY when an API api is missing.
Since afb-binder 5.0.3, DIRECTORY can be prefixed with an exportation specification. See discussion on EXPORT.
-b, --binding BINDINGSPEC
Load the binding as described by BINDINGSPEC.
BINDINGSPEC can be as simple as a path to the library implementing the binding.
In its full version, BINDINGSPEC is made of the following parts:
PATH is the path path to the library implementing the binding
EXPORT (since 5.0.3, optional) tells how to export APIs of the binder, see discussion on EXPORT
CONFIG (optional) is the path to a file holding configuration data for the binding
UID (optional) if given, its value can be read by the binding for its setting up (example: use one config for N specialization selected by UID value)
--ldpaths PATHSET
Load bindings found from paths given in PATHSET, separated by colons. Path to files must point bindings. Path to directories are scanned recursively to discover bindings.
The format is You can mix path to directories and to bindings. The sub-directories of the given directories are searched recursively.
The bindings are the files terminated by '.so' (the extension so denotes shared object) that contain the public entry symbol.
If any found binding fails to load, afb-binder will report the error and stop.
Since afb-binder 5.0.3, PATHSET can be prefixed with an exportation specification. See discussion on EXPORT.
--weak-ldpaths PATHSET
Same as --ldpaths but if a binding fails to load, an error is reported but afb-binder will continue instead of stopping.
Since afb-binder 5.0.3, PATHSET can be prefixed with an exportation specification. See discussion on EXPORT.
--ws-client SOCKSPEC
Bind an external API through WSAPI connection.
See discussion on WS/RPC-API.
Since afb-binder 5.0.3, SOCKSPEC can be prefixed with an exportation specification. See discussion on EXPORT.
--ws-server SOCKSPEC
Provide (Export) an API through WSAPI connection.
See discussion on WS/RPC-API.
--ws-maxlen LENGTH
Set the maximum length of a websocket packet
--rpc-client SOCKSPEC
Bind an external API through RPCAPI connection.
See discussion on WS/RPC-API.
Since afb-binder 5.0.3, SOCKSPEC can be prefixed with an exportation specification. See discussion on EXPORT.
--rpc-server SOCKSPEC
Provide (Export) an API through RPCAPI connection.
See discussion on WS/RPC-API.
-x, --extension FILENAME
Load the extension of path FILENAME.
-X, --extpaths PATHSET
Load extensions from dir1:dir2:...
The format is --extpaths=dir1:dir2:... where directories are separated by colons.
If any found extension fails to activate, afb-binder will report the error and stop.
-C, --config FILENAME
Load options from the given config file.
The loaded options are loaded early in the process of scanning options. Then if later options are set, it overrides the options loaded from the file.
This option can be repeated. The differents configuration files loaded complete one an other if not overlapping. Otherwise, the effect depends on the value of the parameter. Arrays and dictionaries are merged but integral values are replaced.
See discussion below.
-s, --set VALUE
Set parameters values for APIs. The value can be of the form [API]/[KEY]:JSON or {"API":{"KEY":JSON},...}
See discussion below.
-Z, --dump-config
Output before expansion a JSON representation of the configuration resulting from environment and options. Then exits.
-z, --dump-final-config
Output after expansion a JSON representation of the configuration resulting from environment and options. Then exits.
Verbosity and log
These options control the logging output of the binder. By default, the logging level is set as if the option --log=error,warning were entered.
-c, --color
Enforce colorization of the output
-l, --log LOGSPEC
Tune log level
Tune the log level mask. The levels are:
The level can be set using + or -.
Examples | Description |
error,warning | selects only the levels error and warning |
+debug | adds level debug to the current verbosity |
-warning | remove the level warning from the current verbosity |
+warning-debug,info | Adds error and remove errors and warnings |
-q, --quiet
Decreases the verbosity, can be repeated
-v, --verbose
Increases the verbosity, can be repeated
-M, --monitoring
Enable HTTP monitoring at URL /monitoring
--traceapi VALUE
Log internal api calls. Commonly used values are: none, common, api, event, all.
--traceevt VALUE
Log internal event calls. Commonly used values are: none, common, extra, all
--traceglob VALUE
Log internal global calls. Commonly used values are: none, all
--tracereq VALUE
Log internal request calls. Commonly used values are: none, common, extra, all
--traceses VALUE
Log internal session calls. Commonly used values are: none, all
--trap-faults VALUE
Indicates that faults are to be trapped or not. VALUE can be on, off, yes, no, true (default), false, 1 or 0
The default is to trap faults (SIGSEGV, SIGABRT, SIGFPE) and to try to recover. But it could be difficult to debug and recover is sometimes hazardous.
-F, --fail
Shortcut for --trap-faults=no
Usage and help
-?, --help
Prints help with available options
Give a short usage message
-V, --version
Print program version and copyright
Environment variables can be used to set some options or behaviours. Also, the binder defines some variables that can be used by loaded bindings or chilren programs.
Variables for setting options
These environment variables are giving a value to their corresponding option. For some of it, giving the option in the command line override the value of the environment variable, while for some other, giving the option on the command line extend the list of values for the option.
variable | option | behaviour |
AFB_TRACEREQ | --tracereq | override |
AFB_TRACEEVT | --traceevt | override |
AFB_TRACESES | --traceses | override |
AFB_TRACEAPI | --traceapi | override |
AFB_TRACEGLOB | --traceglob | override |
AFB_TRAP_FAULTS | --trap-faults | override |
AFB_SET_PORT | --port | override |
AFB_HTTPS | --https | override |
AFB_HTTPS_CERT | --https-cert | override |
AFB_HTTPS_KEY | --https-key | override |
AFB_LDPATHS | --ldpaths | extend |
AFB_WEAK_LDPATHS | --weak-ldpaths | extend |
AFB_EXTPATHS | --extpaths | extend |
AFB_SET | --set | extend |
AFB_LOG | --log | mixed |
Variables for extra behaviour
These variables are checked by the binder on start. They have no option counter part.
Set an alternate well-known directory. More or less equivalent to the option --alias=/.well-known:${AFB_BINDER_WELL_KNOWN_DIR}
Set an alternate download directory. More or less equivalent to the option --alias=/download:${AFB_BINDER_DOWNLOAD_DIR}
Directory where are searched the https key and certificate. Default is /etc/afb/.https
Variables defined by the binder
These variables are defined by the binder and can be used by bindings and children processes.
Export the listening HTTP port of the binder.
The workdir of the binder.
The root directory where the application is installed.
The name of the binder if set using option --name.
The option --config can be used instead of arguments on the command line.
That option accepts a filename that is read. The read options are not taking precedence over options given in the command line.
The files terminated by the extensions `.json` or `.jso` are supposed to be JSON formatted files with allowed C/C++ comments. Other files (with other extensions) are supposed to be YAML formatted files. (Note that before version 5.1.3, only JSON files were supported).
--binding /home/15646/bindings/
--binding /home/15646/bindings/
--tracereq common
--port 5555
--set api45/key:54027a5e3c6cb2ca5ddb97679ce32f185b067b0a557d16a8333758910bc25a72
--exec /home/15646/bin/test654 @p
is equivalent to:
afb-binder --config /home/15646/config1
when the file /home/15646/config1 is:
"binding": [
"tracereq": "common",
"port": 5555,
"set" : {
"api45": {
"key": "54027a5e3c6cb2ca5ddb97679ce32f185b067b0a557d16a8333758910bc25a72"
"exec": [
The otpion --set can be used to set values for specific APIs. The set value can have different formats.
The most generic format is {"API1":{"KEY1":VALUE,"KEY2":VALUE2,...},"API2":...}
This example set 2 keys for the api chook:
afb-binder -Z --set '{"chook":{"account":"urn:chook:b2ca5ddb97679","delay":500}}'
"set": {
"chook": {
"account": "urn:chook:b2ca5ddb97679",
"delay": 500
An other format is: [API]/[KEY]:VALUE. When API is omitted, it take the value "*". When KEY is ommitted, it take the value of "*".
The settings for the API * are globals and apply to all bindings.
The settings for the KEY * are mixing the value for the API.
The following examples are all setting the same values:
afb-binder --set '{"chook":{"account":"urn:chook:b2ca5ddb97679","delay":500}}'
afb-binder --set 'chook/*:{"account":"urn:chook:b2ca5ddb97679","delay":500}'
afb-binder --set 'chook/:{"account":"urn:chook:b2ca5ddb97679","delay":500}'
afb-binder --set 'chook/account:"urn:chook:b2ca5ddb97679"' --set chook/delay:500
WS/RPC-API, Connection of API
API can be exported using option --ws-server and imported using option --ws-client, allowing a service running on a binder instance (client) to consume the API provided by an other binder (server).
Starting with binder version 5.0.0 and above, API can also be exported with option --rpc-server and imported using the corresponding option --rpc-client. That new option use a protocol compatible with API v4 format and able to transmit binary data and types of data.
When connecting binders together, the unit of connection is the API.
The format of the specification SOCKSPEC is:
for TCP: tcp:host:port/api
for unix: unix:path/api
for abstract unix: unix:@name/api or unix:@api
for systemd activated: sd:api
It is possible, especially for unix connections to set the import API name using the query like pattern ?as-api=name, as below:
Example of connecting the API foo with the name bar using abstract unix socket:
on server: --ws-server=unix:@foo
on client: --ws-client=unix:@foo?as-api=bar
Since libafb 5.3.0, a prefix tls+ can be added at the front of TCP SOCKSPEC to enable mTLS encryption (currently only available for RPC connections). This requires the addition of two query parameters:
key, path to a private key file in PEM format
cert, path to a certificate file matching the private key, also in PEM format
A trust parameter is also available. If present, it should be the path to a directory containing trusted certificates which will be used when validating peers' certificates. If absent, the system trust directory will be used.
Example of connecting the API foo over TLS using a custom trust directory:
on server: --rpc-server="tls+tcp:localhost:1235/foo?cert=./srv_cert.pem&key=./srv_key.pem&trust=./mytrustdir/"
on client: --rpc-client="tls+tcp:localhost:1235/foo?cert=./cli_cert.pem&key=./cli_key.pem&trust=./mytrustdir/"
Since afb-binder 5.0.3, SOCKSPEC of client options can be prefixed with an exportation specification. See discussion on EXPORT.
EXPORT, Exportation of API
When HTTP serving is enabled, it is possible to tell if the APIs are exported to HTTP interface or not. This setting is done using one of the prefix below.
prefix | exportation |
- | not exported to HTTP |
private: | not exported to HTTP |
public: | exported to HTTP |
Not setting the exportation set the export to the default value of the option as given below:
option | default export |
--binding | public |
--ldpaths | public |
--weak-ldpaths | public |
--ws-client | private |
--rpc-client | private |
--auto-api | private |
Note well that before version 5.0.3, the default exportation of all options was public. The change introduced by the binder 5.0.3 assume to potentially break existing setup.
afb-client(1), afb-binding(7)
José Bollo <>
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