Running HTTPS

The HTTPS secured protocol of the HTTP server is activated by the option –https.

The options –https-cert and –htps-key can be used to tell the binder what file to use for its certificate and private key.

Quick start with HTTPS

To run an HTTPS instance of afb-binder you need a private key and a certificate.

If you don’t have one, you can create a self signed one for testing. This can be done using OPENSSL in the following way:

openssl req -x509 -days 30 -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem

That creates in the current directory the private key file ‘key.pem’ and the self-signed certificate file ‘cert.pem’ attached to that key. The certificate is avalaible for 30 days (see option -days).

Having the certificate and the key, the command to run the binder is:

afb-binder --https --https-key key.pem --https-cert cert.pem

You can connect to that binder with a browser at https://localhost:1234/.

Because the certificate is self signed, your browser will complain and emit warnings.

Settings of HTTPS

The binder start HTTPS if one of the following condition is met:

  1. the option –https is set
  2. the environment variable AFB_HTTPS has one of the following values: 1, true, on, yes

If the HTTPS is started, the binder will search for the key and the certificate files.

That search is done using the following order:

  1. the option if set (–https-key or –https-cert)
  2. the environment variable if set (AFB_HTTPS_CERT or AFB_HTTPS_KEY)
  3. the files Xkey.pem or Xcert.pem where X is the value of the environment variable AFB_HTTPS_PREFIX if set, or /etc/afb/.https/