
Prerequisites on redpesk OS

Please have a look to link_name to boot a redpesk image.

# su root
dnf install red-pak

Command line tools

  • redwrap: the container engine: launch application inside nodes
  • redwrap-dnf: package manager: handle install/update/remove
  • redconf: visualize node config: config/merge/tree

Create rednodes

Install a node (With a system node)

The command below create the parent node inside a system node

# su rp-owner
redwrap-dnf --redpath /var/redpak/parentnode manager --alias parentnode
# su rp-owner
redwrap-dnf --redpath /var/redpak/parentnode/childnode manager --alias childnode

Install a node (Without system node)

# su rp-owner
redwrap-dnf --redpath /var/redpak/parentnode manager --no-system-node --alias parentnode
# su rp-owner
redwrap-dnf --redpath /var/redpak/parentnode/childnode manager --alias childnode

Manager Options

  --alias=VALUE                 rednode alias name default is node dirname
  --update                      force creation even when node exist
  --no-system-node              Do not create system node: system configuration will be in first parent
  --template=VALUE              Create node config from template [default= /etc/redpak/template.d/default.yaml]
  --template-admin=VALUE        Create node admin config from template [default= /etc/redpak/template.d/admin.yaml]

Launch a node

You can test it executing a simple command as:

# su rp-owner
redwrap --redpath /var/redpak/parentnode ls

Or enter the node with:

# su rp-owner
redwrap --redpath /var/redpak/parentnode bash

Set up repo into the node

First, it is needed to install the repo file in /var/redpak/parentnode/etc/yum.repos.d:

A simple way to test, is to add your system repo file

# su rp-owner
mkdir -p /var/redpak/parentnode/etc/yum.repos.d
cp /etc/yum.repos.d/redpesk*.repo /var/redpak/parentnode/etc/yum.repos.d

Install a package with redwrap-dnf

Remember that the parent node is depending on “system” node and so depends on system packages, thus it is forbidden to install a system package inside the node.

So, either you uninstall a package from system and install it inside the node or you install a package not present in the system.

Below the example with strace:

# su rp-owner
redwrap-dnf --redpath /var/redpak/parentnode/ install strace

# logs
Append db from /var/redpak/parentnode/
Append db from /var/redpak/parentnode/..
Updating repositories metadata and load them:
[0/0] redpesksamples                                  100% | 613.8 KiB/s |   4.3 KiB |  00m00s
[0/0] RedPesk $VERSION - x86_64 - Release             100% |   1.4 MiB/s |   8.1 MiB |  00m06s
Waiting until sack is filled...
Sack is filled.

Package                        Arch     Version                       Repository          Size
 strace                        x86_64   5.1-1.el8                     redpesk          1.0 MiB

Transaction Summary:
 Installing:        1 packages

Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
[1/1] strace-0:5.1-1.el8.x86_64                       100% |   4.6 MiB/s |   1.0 MiB |  00m00s
[1/1] Total                                           100% |   4.5 MiB/s |   1.0 MiB |  00m00s

Running transaction:
[1/2] Verify package files                            100% | 100.0   B/s |   1.0   B |  00m00s
[2/3] Prepare transaction                             100% |   1.0 KiB/s |   1.0   B |  00m00s
[3/3] Installing strace-0:5.1-1.el8.x86_64            100% |  22.7 MiB/s |   2.2 MiB |  00m00s
[3/3] Total

Execute application with redwrap: strace

You can now launch your application with redwrap.

# su rp-owner
redwrap --redpath /var/redpak/parentnode -- strace ls

List installed applications inside a node

To list all application inside a node and check strace is well installed, run:

# su rp-owner
redwrap --redpath /var/redpak/parentnode -- rpm -qa

# logs

Remove application with redwrap-dnf

To remove application use redwrap-dnf remove

# su rp-owner
redwrap-dnf --redpath /var/redpak/parentnode remove strace

# logs
Package                        Arch     Version                       Repository          Size
 strace                        x86_64   5.1-1.el8                     @System          2.2 MiB

Transaction Summary:
 Removing:          1 packages

Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
[0/0] Total                                           100% |   0.0   B/s |   0.0   B |  00m00s

Running transaction:
[1/2] Prepare transaction                             100% | 500.0   B/s |   1.0   B |  00m00s
[2/2] Erasing strace-0:5.1-1.el8.x86_64               100% | 600.0   B/s |  15.0   B |  00m00s
[2/2] Total


redconf is command line tool to visualize config and nodes.


  • tree: visualize node tree
  • config: display/check config of a node
  • mergeconfig: display/check the merge config of a node


The tree command allow to visualize the node tree from a redroot. The redroot is the root of a node family.

# su rp-owner
redconf tree --redroot /var/parentnode/

# logs
  └── redpak  (system)
      └── parentnode  (parent)
          ├── child2  (child2)
          ├── child1  (child1)
          │   ├── grandchild2  (grandchild2)
          │   └── grandchild1  (grandchild1)
          └── child3  (child3)


The config command allow to display/check config yaml file of a node by specifying the redpath of the node.

redconf config --redpath /var/redpak/parentnode/child1

# partial logs
headers=> alias=child1 name=XXXXX info=XXX
    cachedir: (null)


  - [0] mode:  Restricted
         mount: /nodes/_private
         path:  $NODE_PATH/private
  - [1] mode:  Restricted
         mount: /var/lib/rpm
         path:  $NODE_PATH/var/lib/rpm

  info=created by XXXX

The option --yaml allows to return the yaml file.

redconf --yaml config --redpath /var/redpak/parentnode/child1

Merge config

The mergeconfig config command allows to display/check the merged config of a node. That is to say, the configuration of the current node and the concatenation of its parents. Remember that a node inherits from its parents constraints and so some warnings can appeared into it.

  • --expand option expands the environment variable of the configuration file.
  • --yaml option return the yaml merged config file.
# su rp-owner
redconf mergeconfig --expand -r /var/redpak/parentnode/child1

# partial logs
----CONFIG 2693
  alias: child1
  name: XXXX
  info: Node created by XXXX the XXXX
- mode: Restricted
  mount: /lib64
  path: /usr/lib64
  info: /var/redpak/


- mode: Restricted
  mount: /nodes/parentnode/usr
  path: /var/redpak/parentnode//usr
  info: /var/redpak/parentnode/


- mode: Public
  mount: /nodes/child1/var
  path: /var/redpak/parentnode/child1/var
  info: /var/redpak/parentnode/child1
- mode: Default
  key: PS1
  value: Rednode(child1)>
  info: /var/redpak/


- mode: Default
  value: /run/user/
  info: /var/redpak/parentnode/


- mode: Default
  value: /run/user/
  info: /var/redpak/parentnode/child1
  warn: value is overload by /var/redpak/parentnode
  share_user: Unset

See the warn example that explicitly said that this value is overload by a parent node:

- mode: Default
  value: /run/user/
  info: /var/redpak/parentnode/child1
  warn: value is overload by /var/redpak/parentnode